Statement from Speaker Hortman and Majority Leader Long on the end of the 2023 Legislative Session

St. Paul, Minnesota — Tonight, the Minnesota House of Representatives adjourned the 2023 Legislative Session after completing its work on the state’s new two-year state budget. Speaker Melissa Hortman and Majority Leader Jamie Long released the following statements:

Speaker Hortman

“All session, DFLers have been focused on building a Minnesota that works better for everyone, and this year, we’ve made historic progress. Our new state budget makes needed investments in the areas Minnesotans care about and value most: education, health care, economic security, and the safety and vitality of our communities. This is historic, transformational work that will make a positive difference in the lives of Minnesotans for generations to come. I’m grateful to my colleagues, Governor Walz, and the Minnesotans who worked so hard to make these accomplishments a reality.” 

Majority Leader Long

“After years of gridlock under divided government, the DFL Trifecta is delivering results and getting things done for Minnesota. Democrats have positioned our state to solve big challenges and help more Minnesotans meet their needs. The work that has occurred over the past five months will help make Minnesota the best state in the country for children and families. I’m especially proud of the Legislature for taking strong climate action to protect our air, water, and natural resources for future generations. Democrats look forward to engaging with our constituents over the interim and coming back in 2024 to build on this historic session.”


CBS Minnesota: “Elections have consequences”: Obama praises MN’s 2023 session accomplishments


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